MyBetco™ User Guide

Learning Path and Content Assignment (for Team Leads)

Assigning Courses to People (Users/Learners):

  1. Click on 'Content' on the Top Navigation
  2. Click on 'Courses' in the sub-navigation
  3. Select courses for assignment using search, or by scrolling. Click on course title.
  4. Within Course, click on 'People' or 'Teams'.
  5. For 'People', click ‘Assign to existing people.’ For 'Teams', click ‘Assign to Teams.’
  6. Select People or Teams to assign course(s) to.
  7. Check ‘Send Email/Text Notification'
    1. Note: This box will NOT be selected by default, it must be selected.
  8. Click ‘Assign’
Assigning Courses to People (Users/Learners)

Create a Learning Path

  1. Click on 'Content' in top navigation ribbon
  2. Click 'Create a Learning Path'
  3. Follow the prompts for completion, including name and description 
  4. Uploading an image is optional, but any image must meet the provided specifications
  5. Click 'Save'

Assigning Course Content to a Learning Path

  1. Click 'Add Courses'
  2. Select all desired courses 
  3. Click 'Assign'

Assigning People (Users/Learners) to a Learning Path

  1. Within the learning path, click 'People' in the sub-navigation
  2. Click 'Assign to Existing People'
  3. Select all desired people/users
  4. Select 'Send email/text notifications to Learners' 
    1. Note: This box will NOT be checked by default, it must be selected
  5. Click 'Assign'
Assigning People (Users/Learners) to a Learning Path

Assigning Teams to a Learning Path

  1. Within the Learning Path, click 'Teams' in the sub-navigation
  2. Click 'Assign to Teams'
  3. Select desired number of Teams to assign to Learning Path
  4. Check 'Send Email/Text Notification'
    1. Note: This box will NOT be selected by default, it must be selected.
  5. Click 'Assign'
  6. Teams will populate in the Learning Path screen.
Assigning Teams to a Learning Path

Editing Learning Paths

  1. Click on 'Settings'
  2. You have the option to change the title and description or deactivate the learning path via the check box
  3. You also have the option to make learning path courses available to take in any order
Editing Learning Paths